Monday 13 August 2012

“The contestants have come into the zone of sur”- Anand Sharma

Being on Indian Idol is not really a cake walk. The contestants are taken through regular practice and hectic rehearsals so that they come out of their comfort zone and prepare themselves for the battle of playback singing.

Anand Sharma shared with us about the training sessions of the contestants. He shared, “Initially, when we had started training, we had made the habit of morning riyaaz. Everyone used to get up early and by 7, we are ready for practice with the tanpura. After regular practice, the contestants have come into the zone of sur and they have got streamlined. Later they started picking up songs; the fine points of the songs and its expressions, and the language of the composition. Just like we have a full stop or a comma in our language, tunes also have its features which the music directors use when they compose their songs. It is very important to pick up those fine aspects of the songs. Along the line, they are taught all these points. Apart from this, they are also taught to work on their strong and weak points so that they can overcome the situations and pick up songs in less amount of time. These are some of the aspects we try to guide them through.”

Vocal trainers, Anand sir and Raju sir, work day and night with the contestants to create them for flawless performances on stage.

Watch the Top 5 contestants on Indian Idol 6 this week on Sony Entertainment Television.

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