Monday 13 August 2012

Slam Book of Mini Mathur


What annoys me the most: Incompetence.

I get complimented most about: My ability to connect with people.

I get turned on by: Good music, good food, good lighting, great intelligence and fantastic humour.

A word or phrase I often use: ‘No Way’!

A bad habit: I am really very impatient and I get angry very fast and I don’t think about what I say.

A secret of mine: Are you crazy. I am not going to tell that. I am a great secret keeper and that’s why I have friends.

The year I faced the camera: My very first ad for a Ray Ban in 1995.

Interests: I am interested in Politics, Science Fiction.

If not an entertainer, I would be: Many years back, I would have been a doctor because I had got into a medical college actually. But then I decided to study literature. But otherwise, I would have been in advertising.

A scar I have from childhood: I do have a scar on my forehead which happened because of my brother. We were playing catch-catch with stones and it hit my head. I have two scars which have become a part of my life now.

My most prized possession: My kids.

Brand conscious or pick the one I see first: It is a mix of both. I like brands for what they do for me, but I do not like brands because they are brands.

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