Monday 18 June 2012

Kushal will come back again….

Indian Idol 6 audition was the only chance for Kushal Singh to live his dream. Following his family traditions, he was forced to enroll in Police force and he could see his future heading without any option in front of him. He had to give up his music for the family legacy. But he saw a ray of hope when Indian Idol team came for the auditions in Lucknow.

Kushal was picked from the Rajasthan Parade Grounds directly for the Lucknow auditions. He walked into the judges’ chamber with zest and hopes to give his singing the best shot. With full heart and zeal Kushal finally sang in front of the judges.

Waiting for the comments was his most crucial moment of life.

However, it seemed like the stage was not yet set for Kushal as the judges, with all due respect, had to say no to him. Kushal saw his dream crash in front of his eyes and his only chance getting slipped out of his hands.

He broke down and cried like a baby on his mom’s shoulders. But even under this emotional breakdown, Kushal left with his dream intact in his mind. He bid adieu to the venue with the hope of fulfilling his dream next year with a lot more preparation.

The Indian Idol team wishes him a good luck…

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