Monday 11 June 2012

“I knew what I wanted”- Sreeramchandra

Life does change for good once you are famous, and Sreeramchandra, winner of Indian Idol 5, saw his glorious change in life after he won the title. Let’s hear it from the winner himself. 

Sreeram spoke, I was 17 when I decided that I would become a singer. I was in first year of engineering, and like any other graduate student, even I had options to do various stuffs. But even then, 100% of my mind was in singing and only 50% in engineering. And then Indian Idol happened.”

He added, “I realized what I wanted and I knew what I needed to achieve in life once I won the title. I promised myself that I would work hard and give my best to singing.”
Singing has today made me an actor as well. I am doing a film in south I love the entertainment world and would like to be a part of it always”, Sreeram closed

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